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Salam Teuka! 

Aceh, located at the northern tip of Sumatra, captivates with its spiritual beauty. Known as the ‘Veranda of Mecca’, the province serves as the sacred gateway to the arrival of Islam in Indonesia. The beautiful tale unfolds as Muslims from the archipelago visit Aceh, taking a moment of respite before embarking on their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Each gampong or village, led by Keucik and Teungku Imum, forms a closely-knit community. Meunasah or madrasah, as the center for worship, knowledge, and community gathering, becomes a place of togetherness in various aspects of life.

The people of Aceh, engaged in trade, agriculture, and fishing, set the wheels of their economy in motion with the wealth of their natural resources. Meanwhile, Aceh’s industries are dominated by natural gas factories (LNG), fertilizer, and cement. Aceh offers various tourist destinations, such as the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Tsunami Museum, Lhoknga Beach, Lampuuk Beach, the hot springs of Simpang Balek, Lake Laut Tawar, and Gunung Leuser National Park, which attract visitors with their natural charm.

At TMII, the Aceh pavilion showcases the original home of Cut Meutia, a female hero from Aceh. As a historical artifact weaving memories, this building was directly relocated from its original site and is a heritage artifact almost two centuries old, with 24 supporting pillars and intricately carved wooden walls, equipped with kroeng pade and jeungki.

Aside from Cut Meutia’s House, there is also Rumoh Aceh, which serves as an exhibition house. The Rumoh Aceh features 40 supporting pillars and intricately carved wooden walls. This house invites every visitor to explore its three distinct spaces: Seramo Keue (front porch), Jureu (middle porch), and Seramo Liket (rear porch).

Inside the exhibition house, there’s a bridal chair adorned with Aceh’s distinctive embroidery. The Acehnese bridal bed symbolizes sincerity and gentleness through its seven layers of bedspread and seven canopy covers, bearing silent witness to the journey of life and love. The struggle of the Acehnese people is also portrayed through photographs and documentation. In addition to the traditional house, the pavilion office and the Meunasah model building complement the exploration experience in this area.


As part of the Malay ethnic group, Aceh became a second home for immigrants from various parts of the world due to its strategic location. Immigrants from India, China, Turkey, Habsy, and Persia have played a significant role in shaping the identity of Acehnese society, crafting a community rich in cultural diversity.

Jl Raya Taman Mini, Jakarta Timur. DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.
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